What Is Social Security Disability Insurance?

Social Security Benefits
• Social Security Disability Insurance - The SSDI or social security disability insurance is given to people who have worked and earned their social security taxes when they are still actively employed. When a person becomes permanently disabled, they can for their SSDI claim and will receive support that corresponds to their social security contributions.
• Supplemental Security Income - The SSI or supplemental security income is for people, including both children and adults, whose income is insufficient to provide their daily basic needs such as food and even shelter. SSI is based on how much its beneficiaries need. Basically, this provided for people who will be proven unable to support themselves sufficiently and have very limited resources available to them.
• Social Security Retirement - This benefit is for citizens who have reached their retirement age. Like the SSDI, social security retirement beneficiaries are entitled to receive financial support amounting to their total paid social security contributions when they were still working.
• Survivor Benefit - The survivor benefit is for family members, such as the spouse and children, of an employed person who died unexpectedly. The amount that the beneficiary will receive depends on the total contribution paid by the deceased on social security taxes as well as their relationship with the decedent.
Who Can Apply For A Social Security Disability Insurance Claim?
Employed persons who suddenly sustained injuries leading to permanent disability can apply for an SSDI claim. However, they should also have worked long enough and were able to pay social security taxes during their employment.
Most important of all is for those claiming to be able to prove that their medical condition has rendered them unable to continue working or find employment again given their disability.
How To Prove Your Disability Claim?
• Keep Medical Records - Whether it’s a work-related accident or a health condition acquired outside of it, your medical records will be able to prove your injuries and medical ailments. If you suffered permanent injuries from an accident, you can present your hospital records showing the treatment you underwent. Records of regular checkups for people with illnesses are also a must.
• Doctor’s Statement - Aside from your medical records, a doctor’s words hold power and they can further explain why you are rendered incapable of continuing to work or find employment. You can ask for a medical certificate or written testimony from your doctor, proving your condition.
Claiming your social security disability insurance is a tedious process especially with how limited your movements and capacity are. A social security disability lawyer can help you with the paperwork and other requirements you will need to prove your claim.