Recall - What Kind Of Motorcycle Do You Own In Florida?

There's just something about hitting the open road on two wheels. Motorcyclists gain a sense of freedom by not being enclosed by doors, walls, a roof, or a floor. But of course, that can be dangerous too. When bikes get struck by cars, hit objects like trees, or laid down, there's nothing to protect riders from the concrete street, wood, or anything else.
Sometimes, motorcyclists don't even do anything wrong. Instead, it is the negligence of those around them that causes issues. Perhaps a speeder switches lanes quickly without signaling or even looking in their mirrors. Unfortunately, there is a motorcycle in the lane next to them. The car door slams into it, and the rider takes flight before slamming into the concrete. They get a traumatic brain injury and some broken bones for their troubles.
What Is Manufacturer's Liability?
A legal concept that holds manufacturers and sellers liable for the harm their products cause is known as manufacturer's liability. Why are we telling you this? Because sometimes accidents happen due to problems that occurred during the manufacturing process. If you get severely hurt because of such a dilemma, why should you be responsible for paying for the medical expenses, auto repairs, etc., that follow? You shouldn't.
2022 SR And SR/F Motorcycles
Our firm has learned about 23 potential motorcycles in circulation that could be dangerous. The units in question are 2022 Zero SR and ZERO SR/F motorcycles. They may have incorrect front caliper bolts. If these pieces are installed, the threads on the mounting fork could become damaged. Then, the caliper can loosen. That might not sound like a huge deal because nothing isn't falling off. However, it can be.
A loose caliper can cause reduced braking, and, in turn, that will increase the risk of a crash. It's probably in your best interest to leave your Zero motorcycle parked in your Florida garage until you learn more? The last thing you need is to go for a spin, only for your brakes to fail to slow down or stop. Get in touch with the manufacturer or dealer you bought the bike from to see what you can learn.
Should You Hire An Attorney?
You likely shouldn't go it alone when seeking compensation from a manufacturer. These companies typically don't just hand money over to people claiming to be hurt. Rather, they have lawyers on retainers, standing by to discredit the claims. If you aren't prepared, they'll take advantage of that by getting you to sign something signing your right to compensation away or making it look like you caused the crash.
Hiring a motorcycle accident attorney will show the manufacturer and its legal team that you mean business. As such, they could be more inclined to settle than let the matter go to court. Don't rely on just anybody to represent you in such a situation, though. You're going to want a trustworthy lawyer with experience, and that is exactly what you'll get from All Injuries Law Firm, P.A.
So, what are you waiting for? Give one of our Florida offices a call today to schedule a free case evaluation with an attorney. They will go over the details of the claim with you and help you determine what steps to take next.