What Should You Do If Your Parked Car Is Hit? A Tip For Englewood Drivers

Factors that can Cause Accidents to Parked Cars
There are many possible factors that can cause Englewood drivers to hit a parked car. Here are some of them:
• Distracted driver
• Intoxication
• The driver fell asleep behind the wheel
• Misjudgment of passing clearance, which could lead to hitting the side of a parked car
• Medical emergencies
• Evading someone on the street
In some cases, the driver was inside the parked car when the accident occurred. When that happens, it is crucial to get treated for injuries. Those whose cars broke down or got flat tires may risk getting hit by another driver if they park on the shoulder. Some drivers may also fail to check their blind spots, which causes them to back into a parked car.
Coverage for Parked Cars
To get payment, you will have to file a claim to your insurance provider. They may help with repair costs if that is part of your coverage. For additional coverage, which could be of great use in the event of an accident, consider getting collision coverage and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.
It is also important to know that Florida is a no-fault state. So, every driver must have property damage liability and personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Coverage will depend on your policy limits. These refer to the maximum amount that the insurer will pay if you file a legitimate claim.
A car getting hit, even when parked, can get significant damage. Thus, it is important to take the proper steps. This is especially helpful if the driver responsible flees the scene.
• Call the police and make a report. In Florida, this is especially necessary if the property damage is more than $500.
• Document the accident. Take photos of your vehicle. It would help if you take close-up and wide-angle pictures to properly show scratches, dents, and other damages. If possible, document evidence found around your car. Examples of these include debris and skid marks.
• If the driver responsible for the accident is still at the scene, obtain their name, contact information, and insurance details.
• Make sure you inform your insurance provider about the incident as soon as possible.
There are hit-and-run cases, wherein the responsible driver flees the scene without leaving their contact information or contacting the police. You can file a legal claim against them to recover your losses. If the driver cannot be found, your insurance provider may consider them uninsured. Clarify this with your insurer to avoid any misunderstandings about your compensation. You can also hire an attorney to make sure you will get the appropriate payment based on your situation.
Our team at All Injuries Law Firm is ready to assist you in filing a claim. Our accident lawyers are experienced in handling car crash accidents in Englewood and skilled in ensuring our clients get fair payment. This is helpful, especially if the insurance company attempts to avoid proper payment of your claim and tries to push you to settle for less. You can also get help if you decide to pursue a legal case. Find out more about our services by contacting us at All Injuries Firm.