What To Do If You Spot An Intoxicated Driver On Florida Roads

What you can do if you spot someone you suspect is intoxicated on local roads is:
• Keep your distance – It might not always be possible to pull over when you spot an intoxicated driver in your vicinity. For instance, if you’re on a Florida highway and you’re going at a higher rate of speed without a safe space to pull over. In instances such as these, it’s important to know how to keep your distance. Drive defensively and ensure that there is plenty of space between you and the vehicle driving erratically. You may not know when the driver might switch lanes or swerve, and you will want to be sure you’re out of their way.
• Avoid being on the road if possible – If you’re getting ready to leave an event and you notice a potentially intoxicated driver leaving the parking lot, it can be beneficial to wait just a few moments before you get on your way. This helps you to avoid being in traffic near the intoxicated driver, and these few minutes can be enough to save your life.
• Take information about the vehicle – If you spot an erratic driver on local roadways, take down any information about the vehicle if possible. This is much easier in a parking lot scenario but could be more difficult while you’re actively driving on a roadway. If you have a passenger, ask them to jot down the license plate number, color, make, and model of vehicle if they are able. If you or your passenger are able to see the driver, taking down information regarding their appearance can be helpful as well.
• Call the police – Intoxicated drivers make Florida roadways dangerous for everyone. With the information you collected about the make, model, and license plate number of the vehicle, pull over when you’re able and notify police. Not only can this one simple phone call help you to save other drivers, but it can also help you to save the intoxicated driver as well. Throughout the United States, around 28 people die in drunk driving accidents every single day, which averages out to be about 1 person every 52 minutes. Taking the time to safely pull over, call local police, and provide a description of the vehicle can save lives.
If You’ve Been In An Accident With An Intoxicated Driver
If you’ve been in an accident with an intoxicated driver, it’s important to know what steps to take next. In incidents that result in disabling, fatal, or disfiguring injuries, this might mean pursuing a lawsuit against the negligent driver. Our team at AllInjuriesLawFirm.com are here to help you to navigate this process, representing you to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. If you’re looking for a professional team to help you in your auto accident case, contact us at AllInjuriesLawFirm.com to see what we can do for you today.