What To Do When You’ve Been Hit By An Uninsured Driver

Why Are There So Many Uninsured Drivers?
Usually uninsured drivers are people who cannot afford insurance or do not believe they should be forced to carry insurance. Many times people will only buy car insurance for just long enough to register their car while other people will try to skirt the law by buying a policy for six months or a year, but cancel before making payments to have false proof of insurance. Other times they are drivers with no license, whether their license has been suspended or they are not qualified to obtain a license.
Uninsured Motorists Are Breaking The Law
Whatever the reason uninsured drivers have for not carrying insurance, uninsured motorists are breaking the law. In Florida, drivers are required carry a minimum of $10,000 liability and $10,000 PIP. The simple fact that the majority of uninsured drivers are lawbreakers, makes it even more difficult to pursue a claim than in an accident with an insured driver. So it is really important to consider legal representation when hit by an uninsured driver.
Be Proactive!
With the high rates of uninsured motorists in Florida, your best defense is a good offense. Insurance companies offer a form of coverage called “uninsured motorist” that protects you if you have been hit by an uninsured motorist. You can also look into “underinsured motorists” coverages to protect you against all individuals who do not have adequate coverage. Carrying uninsured motorist is the best way to make sure you are protected if you are hit by one of Florida’s many uninsured drivers.
If You Get Hit By An Uninsured Driver
Whether you have uninsured motorist coverage or not, it is important to understand what to do when you’ve been in an accident with an uninsured driver. Here are the steps to take following the accident:
- Call the police: You should always call the police after you’ve been in an accident to ensure that everything is correctly documented. This is especially important when you’ve been in an accident with an uninsured driver because they are lawbreakers who are putting other people in jeopardy and should be penalized.
- Get their information: Even if they don’t have insurance, you still need to get their contact and vehicle information for when you pursue your claim.
- Call your insurance company: You need to report the accident to your insurance company and see what coverages apply. In Florida, drivers are required to carry no fault insurance, so you should have a minimum amount of coverage regardless of your policy.
When To Hire An Attorney
The most important thing to do after being hit by an uninsured driver is to contact an attorney. Since they have no insurance coverage, you may be left footing the bills for your property and any injuries. An attorney can help pursue a lawsuit against them. Also you may have problems getting your insurance company to cover the damages. In either case an attorney, like the knowledgeable, friendly professionals at All Injuries Law Firm, will help you get the compensation you deserve after being hit by an uninsured motorist. So contact us today for a free consultation.