What To Expect From A Social Security Disability Lawyer

The Initial Interview
The first step when you contact a social security attorney is either the lawyer or a staff member will conduct an initial interview with you in order to gather some basic facts about the case. This will help determine if the lawyer will take your case. Usually, the interview is done by phone, but you can request the attorney to meet you in person.
Don’t worry because staff members who conduct that type of interview are trained to spot cases that have a high chance of success. For borderline cases, the lawyer will typically review the file to make a final determination whether they will represent you. In case there’s only a small chance of winning on appeal, it’s likely the attorney will decline to represent you.
Medical Evidence
Either the lawyer or one of the firm’s staff members will ask you for medical records that are necessary to win the claim and submit them to the Social Security Administration (SSA). You will also need to sign a medical privacy release that will let your lawyer access your medical records. Usually, the lawyer will pay for those records until your case ends, and you will be billed for the cost by then.
Your lawyer will review the medical records to determine whether you need to undergo additional testing. They may schedule a consultative examination with one of the doctors of the SSA to have the required testing done. Additionally, your lawyer will decide which doctors to ask for supportive statements on your functional limitations, which medical records can be submitted to the judge, and what to do with bad evidence that could hurt your case.
The Hearing
When your hearing is near, your lawyer will reach out to you to go over the necessary points that can help you win your appeal. Your attorney will prep you for the hearing by also providing you with the common questions you will be asked while you’re there, such as your symptoms and your mental state. During the pre-hearing discussion with your lawyer, you need to answer all of their questions as honestly as you can, even if they are embarrassing. Otherwise, your lawyer can’t represent you effectively.
Keep in mind that your lawyer is not there to judge you but instead help you win your claim. Moreover, your attorney can only share information with others if you permit them to do so.
Don’t hesitate to consult with a lawyer for your social security disability claim, especially if you know you have a good chance of winning the case. With legal representation, the chances are high that you will get the compensation you deserve. All you need to do is to find the right social security disability lawyer who will address your unique needs.