What You Need To Know Before Next Year's Hurricane Season In SW Florida

When Is SW Florida’s Hurricane Season?
Hurricane season takes up just about half of the year in SW Florida, beginning on June 1st and ending on November 30th. This doesn’t mean that hurricanes are only able to hit the area during this time, but it is the agreed upon official season. Hurricane season peaks between mid-August and mid-October, with most hurricanes making landfall in the region during the month of September.
Where Do Hurricanes Make Landfall Most Often In Florida?
Most often, hurricanes will make landfall in Southeastern Florida, however the panhandle and SW Florida see their fair share during hurricane season as well. For particularly large hurricanes, the entire width of south Florida, from the east to the west, can be effected at once.
What Do Hurricane Categories Mean?
Not all hurricanes are considered equal, and no two hurricanes are exactly the same. These storms are categorized, with the least severe being tropical depressions and the most severe Category 5 hurricanes. The details that break each down into these specific categories are:
• Tropical depression – A tropical depression is a tropical cyclone storm that has sustained winds of 38 mph or less.
• Tropical storm – Cyclone storms with sustained winds between 39mph and 73mph are considered tropical storms.
• Category 1 – When tropical storms have sustained winds of 74mph to 95mph they become Category 1 hurricanes.
• Category 2 – Category 2 hurricanes have sustained winds of 96 to 110 mph.
• Category 3 – Category 3 is when these storms are considered to be “major hurricanes”. Category 3 hurricanes have sustained winds between 111 and 130 mph.
• Category 4 – A Category 4 hurricane will have sustained winds between 131 and 155 mph.
• Category 5 – Category 5 hurricanes are the most severe storms with sustained winds of 156mph or greater.
Florida has seen its fair share of severe storms throughout the years. In recent memory, Hurricane Andrew in 1992 was a Category 5 hurricane with sustained winds of 165 mph. Hurricane Andrew created over $34 billion in damages across the state of Florida. Hurricane Irma in 2017 was a Category 4 storm when it reached Florida, leading to more than $6.5 billion in damages. Hurricane Ian was a Category 4 hurricane, which hit Ft. Myers in SW Florida, with an estimated windspeed of over 135mph leading to around $47 billion in damages across the state.
What To Do If You’re In The Path Of The Storm
While the 2022 hurricane season in SW Florida is now over, there is no better time to prepare for 2023. Obtaining a hurricane damage policy, flood insurance, and researching a skilled and experienced storm damage attorney in SW Florida are all actions that work in your favor. Getting your settlement after filing a storm damage claim in Florida can take months during the busy hurricane season, leaving you without your property, your home, or your stability. Having a skilled storm damage attorney on your side can help to speed the process along and ensure you give yourself your best chance at the settlement you deserve.
If your home has been damaged by a hurricane in SW Florida, or you’re simply doing your research in preparation for next year, contact us at AllInjuriesLawFirm.com to see what our professionals can do for you.