When Do You Need A Workers Comp Lawyer In SW Florida?

• Medical treatment costs
• Lost wages due to inability to work
• Potential recovery expenses, such as rehabilitation
However, all of this is under the supposition that a worker gets all the entitled compensation. When that’s not the case, however, that doesn’t mean that workers have to accept the loss. It’s possible to still get help and get what’s deserved, which is where working with an experienced workers comp attorney comes in. But when would an employee need to talk to such a lawyer? You should consider getting this kind of legal help in the following situations.
The Settlement Isn’t Enough
It’s not uncommon for there to be some disagreement between the injured party and the employer. In some cases, the employer may agree that compensation is deserved but will not dispense the full amounts that an accident victim is legally entitled to.
If you are receiving some compensation but not as much as you should be, a workers comp attorney can help to resolve this discrepancy.
You’re Not Getting All Your Entitled Benefits
Similar to not receiving enough compensation, workers comp can be complex, with many different benefits available. It can be hard to keep track of exactly which benefits an accident victim is entitled to and which they are not. Different treatment expenses such as therapy, or rehabilitation, temporary disability benefits versus permanent… all this can be overwhelming. In some cases, even if you deserve many of these benefits, some may be missed, either by accident or deliberate suppression.
An experienced workers comp attorney can look at your condition and see quickly where entitled benefits are being missed.
You May Need Disability Benefits In The Future
Workers comp is a separate form of compensation from longer-term benefits, such as social security disability insurance. However, the usage of workers comp and how it is filed can sometimes impact the outcome of applications for SSDI. There are a lot of complex administrative and bureaucratic requirements and information that must be meticulously and correctly filled, filed, and submitted for a successful transition from one to the other.
If your workers comp involves an injury that may be disabled in the future, then having a workers comp attorney ensure a smooth transition from one to the next ensures there are no unpleasant legal or financial surprises when the time comes.
Your Employer Dismisses You
In some instances, employers will act in an unethical—and illegal—manner when faced with having to compensate an injured employee. In retaliation for being forced to pay out on a claim they didn’t want to, they may respond by firing the employee. Of course, it is illegal to fire an employee just for being injured, so typically, in these circumstances, they will find some other reason to use, but when such a dismissal comes on the heels of having to pay out a workers comp claim, it’s often a result of malice rather than having a legitimate work reason.
Because this is illegal, an attorney can step in to protect employee rights and ensure that fair treatment is preserved.
If you’ve been injured at work through no fault of your own, and there are complications with workers comp, talk to a workers comp attorney about navigating the complex administration around this issue and getting the fair treatment you deserve.