When You Slip And Fall On A Residential Property

• A wobbly step in the stairwell
• A broken railing on a balcony
• A missing chunk of pavement on a sidewalk
• A loose flap of carpeting in the hallway
• A broken window screen
• A hanging dead tree limb
Any of these issues can cause a person to slip, fall, or become injured at any time. Injuries can range from a few bumps and bruises, to several months in a cast--followed by several more in physical therapy.
Landlords are responsible to uphold a standard of property care that ensures safety for everyone, from tenants to visitors. The landlord has an obligation to maintain:
• Roofs
• Doors & Windows
• Floors
• Porches & Railings
• Steps & Walkways
• Foundations
• Exterior Walls
• Plumbing
• Windows & Screens
It the responsibility of the landlord to check in and around properties often to ensure that everything is in the proper working order. Damages must be repaired by competent workmen as soon as the problem is reported or discovered. If someone if injured as a result of an unsafe condition that was not repaired, the landlord can be held responsible.
5 Things To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, it is important that you follow the right steps in order to protect yourself, and to prove your case should you end up with grounds for a claim.
• Get medical treatment. After a slip and fall accident, seeing a doctor is a top priority. Though you might believe that a bruise is just a bruise, it can turn into something more painful after a day or two. Your injuries should be well-documented by a medical professional in case you need proof of them down the road.
• Report the accident. See the landlord or property manager and have them make a written report of the accident. Provide as many details as possible and request a copy of the written report before you leave.
• Record and document everything. Take plenty of pictures of the exact location where the accident happened and the area surrounding it. Get contact information from anyone who witnessed the event. Write down the details of what you were doing before the accident occurred, how you fell, and the time and date of the event. Finally, keep the clothing and footwear you had on stored in a safe place in case it is requested as evidence.
• Limit communications. Do not talk about the incident on your social media accounts, limit your communications with the property owners, and do not give statements to an insurance company until you have spoken to an attorney. Most importantly, do not place direct blame on any parties, including yourself.
• Seek legal representation. In the past, someone who became injured from a fall due to an unsafe condition had only to prove that it was the unsafe condition that caused the fall. Now, the inured party must prove that the landlord had knowledge of the unsafe condition and failed to fix it or warn people of its presence. An experienced personal injury lawyer can be your best resource in a confusing time.