Why A Florida Workers Comp Lawyer Is So Important

The Importance Of A Worker’s Comp Lawyer
While the process of filing a worker’s compensation claim is fairly straightforward, there are also numerous challenges that exist as well. Finding assistance with your worker’s comp claim from a skilled southwest Florida worker’s comp lawyer is one of the best steps that you can take after being injured in the workplace. There are numerous reasons for this, including the following.
- Many employers simply won’t’ bother filing a claim or even providing you with the forms you need to do so. They dismiss claims immediately since filing a claim will mean that their coverage rates may increase. As a result, you may need an attorney to help ensure that your rights are represented fully.
- If your claim is submitted by your employer, it is then investigated by their insurance company. This insurance company works to protect its bottom line, which in turn means that they’ll likely do what they can to avoid paying your claim. Your Florida worker’s compensation attorney will work to protect your rights against these companies.
- Often, insurance companies use tactics like stalling your case as much as possible or offering small settlements instead of agreeing to actually cover your overall costs. Your attorney will help ensure that you get the full settlement amount that you deserve. With costs climbing due to lost wages, medical bills, and more, this is incredibly important for anyone filing a worker’s comp claim.
It’s also important to understand that the age of the internet means that many people assume that they can quickly and easily handle their own claims with little trouble. But the process involves much more than most realize, and with the legal system comes a lot of work and even a lot of stress.
When you’re injured, you should be focused on healing and recovering, not on having to deal with yet another form or another challenge to your case. Having an attorney on your side lets you focus on recovery while they take care of the process of standing up to the insurance companies. In other words, you get the benefit of having a professional on your side while you heal.
Finding Your Attorney
After seeking medical care and then filing your claim with an attorney, your next step will be to contact an attorney. When doing so, be sure that you pay attention to a few things including the following.
- Look for an attorney who handles worker’s comp cases
- Find a local attorney so you don’t to travel long periods for meetings or consultations
- Pay attention to the level of experience that a firm has
- Trust your gut instincts to be right
Our firm meets all of the above and more. With decades of experience helping those who are injured in work related accidents, we have the experience needed to give you the help you deserve. And our offices are located throughout Southwest Florida including in Port Charlotte, Englewood, North Port, Ft Myers, Punta Gorda, and beyond. We’re ready to defend your rights and make sure you get the help you need. Contact our team today to set up your free consultation and learn more about your rights and how we can help you.