Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

So before this post gets into the ugliness of truck crashes, we should all pause and give thanks where it is due. These men and women deserve the credit. Sometimes, passenger vehicle drivers are responsible for wrecks with big-rigs. Perhaps one was following too closely and rear-ended the tractor-trailer when it had to hit the brakes. Maybe an individual swerved into the truck's lane of traffic, side-swiping it along the way.
However, on other occasions, truck drivers are responsible for the incidents. Those are the ones that will be discussed here today. Trucking accidents can occur for various reasons, and the following sections will focus on some of them.
Distracted Driving
It is no secret that tractor-trailers cannot merely stop on a dime. They need a particular distance to slow down safely. If traffic on a highway comes to an abrupt standstill and a big-rig operator happens to be glancing down at their phone, a multicar pileup is likely. Distracted driving can undoubtedly lead to truck accidents. Although truck drivers should not be using their phones in the first place, they are only human and make mistakes on occasion, just like everyone else. Still, they should try their best to avoid distractions, or lives could be changed forever.
Driving Under The Influence Of Drugs
Sure, truck drivers are required to pass drug tests before they can do their jobs. That doesn't mean they can’t use uppers to keep them going strong between tests, though. Some operators might utilize legal prescriptions to get their fix. However, many times, the medications leave them impaired, so they should not be on the road. Meanwhile, in other instances, truckers turn to illegal narcotics to give them what they believe is an edge. However, the drugs can hinder their abilities and dull their senses, leading to crashes.
Drowsy Driving
There are laws in place that are supposed to keep truck drivers well rested and fatigue-free. Yet, if operators learn how to cheat the system, they could try to fatten their paychecks by running loads on no sleep. Dozing off behind the wheel is unacceptable for them. Their rigs could inadvertently drift into other lanes while they're catching some Zs. Such issues can cause head-on, rear-end, and T-bone collisions. Not to mention, the trucks could hit curbs and flip on top of smaller vehicles.
Why You Need A Truck Accident Attorney Following Such Collisions
All of the issues mentioned above are forms of negligence. If a person sustains injuries in a crash due to a truck driver's recklessness, that individual might be entitled to fair compensation for their damages. Most transport companies don't just turn cash loose. Instead, they have legal teams on retainers, waiting in the wings to discredit all injury claims. They pull out all the stops in order to prevent their clients from paying out substantial sums.
Luckily, Florida truck accident victims don't have to face those situations alone. Our firm has been representing injured Floridians for more than 30 years, and the team will gladly do the same for you. Don't allow trucking companies with deep pockets to take advantage of you in your time of need. Rather, take the fight to them with a truck accident lawyer and get the compensation you deserve.