Why You Need A Personal Injury Attorney After A Florida Auto Accident

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You After An Accident
People often make fun of personal injury attorneys, calling them “sharks” or “ambulance chasers,” but that is because many individuals do not understand what all personal injury attorneys do and have never had to use their services. For example, the attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm know every Florida car accident law and how it affects your case. They will know the proper county and court in which to file. We even know which counties will likely offer better jury awards and can determine how likely it will be that your case will go to court.
Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney
You may be thinking that since Florida is a no-fault state, so you don’t need an attorney as you will be going through your own insurance. There is one critical fact you need to keep in mind. Insurance claims adjusters will do everything in their power to reduce your damages. It is important that you understand that insurance companies are in the business to make profits for their shareholders and have a well-trained staff to give you as little as possible in compensation. It is common knowledge to attorneys that without representation you will be offered 25 to 50% lower than what your case is worth.
Benefits Of Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney
Personal injury attorneys like the experienced team at All Injuries Law Firm have a wealth of knowledge and information to help you with the following:
● Better Damage Assessment: Our team cannot only determine current damages, but also identify the long term effect of your injuries. Often our attorneys use an economist or actuary to assist them in determining the maximum amount.
● Comprehensive Medical Care: We have a large network of qualified medical specialists for you to see for your injuries. Working with these physicians, we can prove the severity of your injuries to the courts.
● Professional Investigations: We have a team of experienced investigators to document the scene of the accident, interview witnesses, and obtain any information relative to how the accident occurred.
● Legal Knowledge: With over 30 years of experience in the state of Florida, we know all the laws. We also know our way around different legal forms and process and exactly how to negotiate with the insurance and often gets compensation before the case is filed in court.
● Reputation: Insurance companies are fully aware that personal injury attorneys protect the rights of their victims. Often times we have seen the moment an accident victim hires an attorney, the insurance companies are willing to settle immediately and at a fair price. That is because they know that they won’t be able to pull their dirty tricks on that victim.
Here at All Injuries Law Firm our skilled and resourceful personal injury attorneys can investigate your case and develop an aggressive strategy to prevent the insurance company from taking advantage of you at this vulnerable time of your life. With our guidance we can help you receive compensation for all medical expenses, lost wages (current and future), pain and suffering, and other expenses. We will get you the compensation you need and deserve.