Why You Should Hire A Social Security Disability Lawyer

Determining Eligibility
Social Security Disability Insurance is paid to workers who are disabled. Once you are approved, benefits include cash assistance and Medicare coverage (after a waiting period). To be eligible for benefits, you must have severe medical impairments, functional limitations to prevent you from working for at least 12 months, and enough work credits to qualify.
Work credits are based on your past earnings and what you have contributed to Social Security over the years. If you have never worked, or if you have not worked for a prolonged period of time, you might not be eligible for Social Security Disability. You may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), however. Speaking to an experienced attorney can help you determine which one is in your best interest to apply for.
The Initial Application
The first step of the process is to fill out all of the necessary paperwork to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Many people feel that they can do this part without help, believing that they are a shoo-in for approval. But no matter how sick you are, getting approved is not guaranteed. In fact, many applicants are denied on their first attempt. This can be discouraging and frustrating for those who need the help.
A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you collect the right documentation, fill out every form to the last detail, and help you present your case. The Social Security Administration is looking through your evidence with a fine-toothed comb, and a good Social Security Disability Lawyer can help you provide documentation that can increase your chance of first-time approval.
The Appeal
Only about 35% of Social Security Disability applications are approved on the first try. If you get denied, you can typically appeal within 60 days. If you didn’t hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer the first time around, be sure you hire one for the appeal.
Many times, claims are denied due to simple mistakes and misunderstandings. The Social Security Administration is looking for detailed information about your work history, your medical conditions, and your functional limitations. If you’re dealing with chronic pain, or cognitive impairment, it’s easy to make a mistake. Your Social Security Disability Lawyer will see to it that all i’s are dotted and all t’s are crossed.
If you’re embarking on the journey of applying for Social Security benefits, contact someone who will get to know you and your claim, and work hard to maximize your Social Security benefits. Don’t go through this alone. Contact us today.