Worker's Compensation And You

Most people believe that if they're injured at work, all they need to do is file a quick Florida worker's compensation claim and receive compensation for things like their medical bills and their lost wages due to time away from work. But this isn't always the case, and understanding more about worker's compensation, your injuries, and what you may need to do to get your life back in order is important.
The Problems You May Face
In many cases, filing your claim is essentially all you'll have to do. From there, you'll get compensated for injuries after a short investigation into your accident. But often, worker's compensation may not work so easily. The reason comes down to one simple thing - money.
Insurance companies, as well as employers, have a major financial incentive not to pay out a workers' compensation claim properly Generally, they'll do one of a couple of different things:
- Stall and avoid paying out for as long as possible
- Outright refuse to pay anything
- Offer you a settlement amount that is far lower than you might actually be owed
A fair worker's compensation claim is one that offers you enough money to compensate for all of your losses. This should include your medical bills as well as your lost wages due to missing work because of your injuries, and also factor in any future lost wages or medical costs that will likely occur.
The more an employer or insurance company has to pay, the more it will impact their own bottom line. And because of this, it's not always easy to get what you're owed. Because of this, many have to turn to a workers comp lawyer for help.
Understanding Fault
It's important to understand that you will have to actually qualify for worker's compensation in order to receive it. Essentially, you have to show that your own reckless or negligent actions didn't lead to your injuries.
Using equipment improperly, violating safety codes, working while intoxicated, and more could all be considered to be examples of what may make it impossible for you to receive what you're owed. Your employer may also require that you undergo a medical exam from a doctor by their chosen medical professional.
If it's shown that your employer was the one acting negligently - failing to address the safety issue, forcing employees to work longer hours than usual, and so on - it might be possible that you will receive additional compensation due to their reckless actions. Only a good workers comp lawyer will be able to help you determine if this is the case.
Getting An Attorney
If you or a loved one have been involved in a work-related injury and are struggling with the financial burden because worker's compensation won't work with you, you need a worker's compensation attorney on your side.
Once you have a lawyer, the insurance companies are more likely to work towards a faster resolution, offer you a fair settlement, and generally help move your case to a fairer resolution. Simply put, contacting a lawyer is something you need to do after your accident. It could help you get the financial compensation you need for a total recovery.