Workplace Injury Statistics Everyone Should Know

Then, you'll have a better understanding of how big an issue the matter is in the United States. These problems even occur in Florida. So, if you reside in the Sunshine State, that doesn't mean you're safe.
Loads Of Accidents Happen Each Year
According to Simply Insurance, more than 3 million employees suffer injuries at work every year. Obviously, incidents vary and are caused by different factors, but we'll provide you with a couple of examples. Perhaps an individual is made to climb a ladder that has loose rungs. The employer has been told of the tool's condition on numerous occasions but does nothing about it. As such, a step breaks beneath the person's weight, and he falls to the ground, hitting his head, and sustains a traumatic brain injury. Or what if a worker is using a vehicle with bad brakes?
Once again, the employer was told of the problem, but the car was never fixed. The driver pushes the brake pedal to slow down as the traffic on the freeway suddenly comes to a stop. However, rather than slowing down and stopping, the vehicle plows into a car's rear end, leaving the employee with a broken arm, whiplash, and deep lacerations from the windshield busting.
Workplace Fatalities Occur Annually
Although it may not seem real, the truth is that many workers die on the job each year. In 2019, workplace fatalities reached their highest level in 12 years, according to the SafesiteHQ website. That year, 5,333 deaths occurred at worksites, which is equal to one worker passing away every 99 minutes. The numbers for those 55 years of age and older slightly increased in 2019. In 2018, the workplace fatalities for people in this group stood at 1,863, but in 2019, the figure rose to 2,005. It doesn't matter how young or mature workers are, the point is that fatalities can happen at work. The ways in which people die vary. However, common workplace fatality causes include:
▪ Falls
▪ Electrocutions
▪ Caught Or Stuck Between Objects
▪ Struck By Items
One Reason Behind Workplace Accidents
For this stat, we are returning to the Simply Insurance research. There are many reasons why workplace accidents occur, but there is one particular issue that stands out. The study reveals that there are a mere 2,000 OSHA inspectors enforcing safety standards today. Why is this such a problem? The dilemma is such an issue because these inspectors are expected to execute inspection duties on more than 8,000 worksites.
Hence, it's easy to see how they might fall behind or miss something here and there. Some Final Thoughts Did a Florida employer's negligence cause you to get severely injured? What about a loved one's wrongful death? Was workplace negligence to blame for them dying? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you might have the grounds to seek compensation.
Would you like to determine if that's the case? If so, contact All Injuries Law Firm and schedule a free evaluation with an accident attorney today. They'll be more than happy to help you determine where your claim stands. Plus, if everything checks out, the lawyer will fight for the compensation you deserve.