You May Want To Be Concerned If There Is A Ford In Your Englewood Driveway

Why? Because your vehicle could have an issue that puts you, your passengers, and others in danger. Hopefully, we have your attention. So, let's move on and discuss the problem.
Shift Into The Wrong Gear - Ford Recall
It has come to our attention that there are approximately 3 million Ford vehicles with damaged or missing parts. The piece could make a car shift into a gear other than the one a driver intended to and roll away. Then again, the driver might hit the gas, planning to go forward, when, in reality, the vehicle goes into reverse, slamming into a wall in the garage. Obviously, this dilemma can result in property damage. Just think about the drywall in the scenario above. And what about the car's bumper?
However, injuries could also enter the picture. For example, what if someone was standing between the garage wall and the car when the crash occurred? That might have broken both of their legs and given them a traumatic brain injury. Of course, there are worse outcomes too. People who get struck by cars in the wrong gear can die. So, what models are we talking about? The units in question include:
▪ 2013-2016 Fusion
▪ 2015-2018 Edge
▪ 2013-2018 C-Max
▪ 2013-2021 Transit Connect
▪ 2013-2019 Escape
If you have one of these vehicles, it is in your best interest to leave it parked and maybe use a wheel chock. After all, apparently, it could roll away even if the gearshift says it's in park. Then, contact the dealership where you bought the car to find out how to proceed.
Have You Been Severely Injured By A Defective Product?
Manufacturers and sellers are responsible for the harm their products cause by a legal concept known as manufacturer's liability. Hence, if you've been severely injured by an item, like a car that doesn't go in gear correctly, you might have the grounds to seek compensation for your damages. But wait, you probably shouldn't try to tackle this matter alone.
Most manufacturers have lawyers on the ready to dispute injury claims. Therefore, you're more than likely going to have a fight on your hands when you go after a firm. Don't be frightened or alarmed, though. Instead, contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to see where your claim stands. The company offers free case evaluations. Plus, personal injury clients enjoy not paying until the end and only when compensation is recovered.
Why Seek Compensation?
The Florida legal system isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Thus, people shouldn't try to treat it as such. There's no guarantee that a personal injury claim will recover a million-dollar settlement. However, with the help of an attorney, you'll be able to obtain a fair amount for your particular situation. How much restitution people stand to win varies, and it is dependent on things like the severity of the injury, pain and suffering, etc.
Medical expenses, repair costs, and many other items can play roles in determining a settlement amount. Would you like to see where your personal injury claim stands? If that's the case, schedule an evaluation with an attorney from All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., today. The professional will gladly help you decide what to do next.