Your Guide to Filing a Boating Accident Report in Florida

Here is your guide to filing a boating accident report in Florida and what you should do if involved in an accident.
A Written Boating Accident Report
A boating accident report must be filed in Florida if a person dies, someone disappears as a result of the accident, there is an injury that requires more than just basic first aid, damage to the boat exceeds $2,000, and if any structures or personal property resulted in more than $2,000 worth of damage.
When reporting your boating accident, you will need to contact the Division of Law Enforcement, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. You can also report to the sheriff in the county where the accident occurred. If you were in a municipality at the time of the boating accident, then you would report it directly to the city.
When to File a Boating Accident Report
Those involved in a Florida boating accident must report the incident as soon as possible and in the best and fastest way they can. This means reporting within 48 hours of the accident.
You must report collisions, accidents, capsizing, sinking, collisions with vessels and other objects, and collisions that occur when entering or exiting the water, along with our previously mentioned reporting guidelines.
Steps a Boat Operator Must Take
When you are involved in a boating accident as a boat operator, there are certain steps you must take. First, notify law enforcement as soon as possible and provide emergency first aid as needed. Next, gather the information of everyone involved, including their name, address, vessel identification number, and other contact information.
You should also remain at the scene of the accident. If you hit an unattended vessel, you need to take reasonable steps to notify the owner or operator of the boat you have hit.
Most Common Causes of Boating Accidents
Some of the more common causes of boating accidents in Florida include not paying attention to traffic, operating under the influence, and traveling on the water at unsafe speeds. These negligent actions can result in an accident.
If you were involved in a boating accident due to the negligence of another, you might be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and even mental anguish.
Your Rights
When operating a boat, there is a legal standard stating that there needs to be reasonable care on the part of the boat operator. If this reasonable care is not taken and results in an accident, then a claim can be filed for compensation.
If you have been involved in a boating accident and want to file a compensation claim, do not hesitate to contact an experienced boating attorney who can help you. They will make sure you understand your rights and can help you reach a fair settlement.