Your Records Checklist For Evidence Collection After An Auto Accident In North Port

• Police reports – Police reports act as an unbiased third-party account of your accident, and one from a trusted authoritative source. Calling the police to even a minor accident ensures that a report will be made outlining the details of your accident, and you can use this report to prove the details of your accident to your insurance provider later on. The report will include any traffic laws that may have been broken to cause the accident, what the exact cause of the accident may have been, injuries suffered due to the accident, and important observations of details that surround the accident scene.
The police report isn’t automatically given to you after an accident has occurred, but it may be obtained after. To obtain the report contact the reporting law enforcement agency and provide them with the date and location of the accident, the names of the drivers involved, and the name of the officer who provided the report.
• Medical records – While the police report tells the story of the accident, your medical records tell the story of your injuries. Your medical records may be obtained by contacting the individuals responsible for report retrievals at any hospitals, emergency rooms, or offices you’ve visited. On top of your medical records, you’ll also want to collect any test results, diagnoses reports, and medical bills outlining an exact figure that can be attributed to your medical damages. If you require ongoing medical treatment, a statement from a medical professional and an estimate of cost should be included as well.
• Proof of income documents – Oftentimes, an accident resulting in injury will cause a person to lose time at work, which may result in the loss of work wages. If you want to figure these lost wages into your claim, you’ll need proof of income. Collect any paystubs or direct deposit records outlining what you would have made if you were not injured. If you do not have paystubs or direct deposit records, other financial documents like W-2 tax records or documents from your employer may suffice.
• Vehicle damage estimates – If you’re injured, chances are your vehicle is injured even worse. In order to know what to ask for in your claim, you’ll first need to know what any proposed repairs may cost. Depending on your insurance provider, the insurance company may handle having your vehicle assessed and collecting any damage estimates.
• Auto accident journal – After an auto accident in North Port has occurred, there will be a lot of things going on all at once, so it’s easy to forget the details. Keeping an auto accident journal where you can keep records of medical visits, talks with insurance adjusters, witness information, injury timelines, and any other pertinent pieces of information is a great way to keep your thoughts organized during this time. Your auto accident journal can make sure that you don’t forget anything important.
Your Auto Accident Lawyer Gives You An Advantage
The evidence collection process after a North Porth auto accident is involved and sometimes complicated. Your auto accident lawyer can help to make sure you have everything you need, and you set yourself up for your best chance at a successful claim. To learn more about what an auto accident lawyer can bring to your case, contact us at today.